Solo exhibition -l'espoir d'un peuple- in Fribourg city/ Switzerland
November 2006
Qais Al-Sindy will display his paintings in the University of Fribourg in Switzerland; as well he will participate in the convention that will be hold in the same campus, giving a speech about the contemporary Iraqi Art and the consequences of war on Iraqi artists. Al-Sindy explains in an interview with Jacques Berset, Apic:
‘Despite the daily chaos, lack of drinking water and electricity, kidnappings, death pervades the streets of Baghdad, "we must resist, and keep the flame." Iraqi painter Qais Al-Sindy, presenting his paintings, on Friday launched a message of hope at University of Fribourg.’

Fribourg, 10
novembre 2006 (Apic) Malgré le chaos quotidien, l'absence
d'eau potable et d'électricité, les enlèvements, la mort
omniprésente dans les rues de Bagdad, "il faut résister,
maintenir la flamme". Le peintre irakien Qais Al-Sindy, en
présentant ses toiles, a lancé vendredi un message d'espoir
à l'Université de Fribourg.
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