(Deferred Dreams), Solo Exhibition at Syra Art
Gallery- Washington- DC- USA.

1st- 8th, 2014
Located in 1045 31st Street NW, Washington DC 20007; Al-Sindy
will display his paintings of his deferred dreams at Syra
Art Gallery. The artist converted his postponed dreams to be
real and instantaneous paintings. He mentioned in his
statement of his visions: “We all have dreams, each distinct
and incomparable. We live with our dreams to keep them alive
in our minds and preserve their enjoyment and luster. My
dreams come true as they play out on my canvas. My Solo
Exhibition (Deferred Dreams), is about people burdened with
their mixed feeling of agony and ecstasy. Those who dream by
night in the dusty recesses of their minds, awake in the day
to find that it was all in vain. Nevertheless, dreamers of
the day are heroic for they may act on their dreams with
open eyes, consciousness and intention; therefore they
possess the power to make them a possible reality.
The Exhibition was organized by Sylvia Van Vliet – Ragheb
and Randa Fahmy Aboul-Nasr.
For more details, kindly visit the Gallery website: